Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Spam Protect?
    Spam Protect is a spam firewall service where we scan all incoming emails for viruses, spam, and malware. Specific guidelines and polices can be implemented to allow or deny certain emails, content, and files to pass through.
  2. Do you offer email hosting service?
    At the time, SpamVault does not offer email hosting service.
  3. How current are your virus and spam definitions?
    SpamVault delivers protection from the latest Internet threats. We have the monitoring capabilities for new trends in network security threats and our latest definitions are updated hourly to ensure you always have the latest and most comprehensive protection.
  4. How is spam filtered?
    Incoming email is routed to SpamVault Protect service before it hits your mail server. Spam is tagged, quarantined, or blocked based on your enterprise/end user preferences. Safe and legitimate emails are allowed through to the end user.
  5. Will my emails remain secure and private?
    Yes, your emails will remain private since all emails are processed inside our hardware and system. The administrator can specify who can have access to the machine and is password protected.
  6. How are emails quarantined?
    There are two ways emails get quarantined. First, a quarantine report gets generated daily and sent to each user. The user can then decide to whether release the quarantined messages and/or classify it as spam. The second way is the Domain Manager can receive all quarantined email to a designated quarantined mailbox and the Domain Manager can determine what action to take against the quarantined emails.
  7. Can each email address have its own quarantine mailbox?
    Yes. Each email address (including aliases) can have its own quarantine mailbox to allow controlled custom settings for that specific email address. This is automatically set up by the system so it does not require further configuration.
  8. I am still getting spam to my inbox. Why is that and can I stop it?
    Spammers are highly sneaky and they collect email addresses from chat rooms, websites, customer lists, newsgroups, and viruses which harvest users’ address books, and are sold to other spammers. Although our service is highly secure and sophisticated, due to the nature of UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email), it finds various methods to get into your inbox. If you are still getting spam to your inbox, further action can be taken to block specific email delivery with our Advanced Policy Control settings.
  9. What are some of the end-user preferences or options?
    In addition to enterprise policies, an end user can set up some user preferences and they include:
    • End User Quarantine Mailbox – Each user can have its own quarantine mailbox for direct access to questionable emails. This greatly reduces IT support for any organization.
    • Quarantine Summary Emails – A daily report is generated and sent to the end user summarizing the contents and the user will be able to determine if a particular email is spam or allow it through.
    • Allow and Block Lists – Each user can be configured to have control over their individual allow and block lists. This greatly reduces chance of false positives.
  10. Do I need to run Spam Filtering on my mail server if I subscribe to SpamVault Protect?
    No. All emails will filter through SpamVault’s system and then directed to your mail server once the emails are deemed safe.
  • Spam Filter
  • Virus Filter
  • Policy Controls
  • End User Access
  • Admin Access & Reporting
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